Is there anything lovelier than an old stone farmhouse, boasting the quiet dignity, stillness and sturdiness of the very rocks used in its construction? Though times have changed and full-on stone houses are largely a thing of the past, you can still have your house and stone it too. Mixed metaphors aside, replacing stucco with stone or stone veneer is a totally feasible path to take in the modern construction scene; one that merges the old and the new in a way that will make you fall in love with your home all over again.
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Stone!
If you want the beauty and elegance of stone without resorting to pure stone construction, stone veneer is an excellent alternative. When it comes to choosing a stone veneer, you can choose either natural stone or manufactured stone. Natural stone veneer is made from, you guessed it, natural stone – only the stone is shaved down to a manageable 1 inch thickness for ease of application. Manufactured stone, also called artificial stones, stacked stone veneer, and flexible stone veneer, is a decorative siding made to imitate the likeness of natural stone.
Bad Stone Installation? Expect A Rocky Road.
When covering stone siding, we feel it’s necessary to mention a subject more petrifying than Medusa’s gaze. Modern stone and stone construction systems are very similar in nature to stucco siding systems. Here at Ai Restoration, we’ve seen first hand the damage that occurs following poor construction methods, where improperly sealed houses are left vulnerable to the elements. Mold, mildew, and rot are very unwelcome and destructive house guests, so go with Ai Restoration when making the switch from stucco to stone for a job done right.
Replacing Stucco With Stone? Ai Restoration Rocks!
At Ai Restoration, we know stone and stone veneer siding systems like the back of our hands. We love what these systems can be, boasting a beauty and longevity that stands rock solid against its siding competition; we also regret what these systems often become when installed poorly, leaving your home vulnerable to the devastation of gradual water damage. So check out our page on stone siding, give us a call at 215-794-6858 and go with Ai Restoration for a stone siding solution that truly rocks!